& surroundings
Service vétérinaire ChatRoule, is dedicated to general medicine for cats at home.
The territory is SHERBROOKE and neighboring municipalities in the Eastern Townships.
Why home service?
The answer lies in the company's MISSION:
Take the necessary time for each patient and therefore offer quality veterinary services with REDUCED STRESS for cats, their humans ... and their veterinary team.
Why just cats?
Most cats do not travel well and are stressed with noises and smells in the veterinary clinic.
Moreover, it is both a particular affinity for the feline species and a desire to specialize.
graduated in 2007
from the University of Montreal
After more than a dozen of years in a veterinary clinic, Dr. Courtemanche decided to offer home services with ChatRoule in 2022!
She is a dedicated, caring veterinarian who is up to date with the latest news in the veterinary world. She has animal health at heart and the desire to work in a calm and low-stress environment for her little patients.
Several felines have won her heart over the years, but the special place is currently reserved for the handsome little boys, Sid and Mike !
Animal Health Technician
graduated in 2015
from the Cegep de Sherbrooke
Following her graduation as a vet tech, Joannie worked in a clinic in Montreal. She has joined ChatRoule in 2022 after moving back to Sherbrooke.
In addition to having an interest in ''Low Stress'' techniques, she also does feline behavior consultations ''EduCATor'' since 2021.
She is a true cat lover who shares her home with the lovely Natsu, Kumo and Glitch.
You think the cat
in the logo is worthy
of a work of art?
You are right!
It is taken from a work
by painter
and reproduced with her kind permission.